Hobbies to Take Up Time Consideration You may have a full-time job or be in school, so choosing a hobby that fits your current obligations is important. Consider how many days per week you can dedicate to a hobby, how often you’ll participate, and the overall free time you have.…
Weird Roadside Attractions
North Carolina’s Weirdest Roadside Attractions BEEP Shangri-La Stone Village This miniature village began as a hobby for retired farmer Henry Warren, and decades later, it still charms visitors along N.C. Highway 86. Constructed with stone, concrete, and quartz sourced from a nearby quarry, the site features…
North Carolina Facts
North Carolina Facts They Don’t Teach in School Sure, we all know North Carolina is the ‘Tar Heel State’ and home to the Wright Brothers’ first flight. But did you know it was also home to Blackbear and the largest home in America? Buckle up, because…
New Years Resolutions
Achievable Goals and Resolutions for 2025 Health and Wellness Hydration Goal: Drink more water daily to maintain hydration. (3.7 liters is recommended for men, 2.7 liters is recommended for women) Regular Exercise: Incorporate at least 30 minutes of physical activity into your routine, five times a…
A Year in Review
2024 Year in Review: North Carolina’s Defining Moments 2024 has been a year of remarkable shifts and moments of both triumph and turmoil for North Carolina and the nation. From groundbreaking achievements to unexpected challenges, it’s time to reflect on the key events, from sports to…