Top Gifts for Lizards and Snakes 2024

My green iguana decked out for Christmas in a Santa hat and colorful lights.

Looking for a gift for your creepy crawly?

Christmas is right around the corner. Have you finished your shopping? Still looking for something for friend in the tank? The Reptiles Magazine has put together a list of the top ten gifts to look for during this holiday season.

Christmas Iguana (Getty Image)

New Enviroment

It’s Christmas Time and everyone is looking for the perfect gift for that perfect someone. But what if your perfect someone is a little slithering creature and you don’t know what to get your friend? Well what about a new tank or enviroment? Sometimes the best thing is to give them a new place to explore, this will keep them entertained for a long time.

Hidey Holes

Another good gift would be a new reptile hide, a place they can feel safe. Reptiles like places they can hide away and sleep, now that I think about it, that sounds like a great place to be! Who doesn’t like a place to sit and relax and not talk to anyone?


The last thing that will go over really well with your friend is new treats or vitamins. Everyone loves snack and lizards and snakes are no exception to this rule. Check which treat your pet likes the most and see if there is a new variety to try. Just make sure the treat is made specifically for your animal and it don’t have any allergies.

Though the holidays are hectic and a bit messy sometimes it is also a time to sit and be with the ones you love so take this time and give some extra little love to your favorite crawling pet this Christmas season.