“No” Foods for Dogs

Pieces of dark chocolate with almonds and fruits

Human foods that are bad for dogs

Humans have discovered and made some of the most delicious foods throughout history and we have shared our delicacies with many cultures around the world. Sadly there are a few things that we cannot share with out furry friends. Here is a short list of some of those “no-no” foods.

  1. Chocolate- This candy has a chemical called theobromine, which is extremely toxic to dogs, depending on the amount eaten and on the size of the dog. Chocolate poisoning can cause vomiting and seizures so if you pooch eats any chocolate, take them to their veterinary immediately.
  2. Grapes – This one surprised me when I found out grapes were toxic and can be fatal to dogs. Though the full reason why it is toxic to dogs is still unknown, the cause of eating grapes is well documented. If they eat grapes they could experience vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pains or in extreme cases some have gone into comas. So it’s best just to keep those yummy fruits to humans only.
  3. Cinnamon – Though not necessarily bad for dogs it can cause dogs to have irritated mouths. It can also lower their blood sugar so it’s a good idea to keep cinnamon and cinnamon oils away from your furry friends.

There are quite a few other foods to keep from your dog on this list provided by the American Kennel Club and in this article from Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine.

Pieces of dark chocolate with almonds and fruits (Getty Image)