Calm down dog!

Do you have a crazy and stubborn pooch? Does your dog continuously bark out the window or even jump on you as soon as you get home from work? These behaviors are easily managed with a bit of training.

Calming a dog down if they are window barkers may be as easy as closing the blinds or even putting a painting in front of it. My dog destroyed the binds to look outside so my solution was to put wrapping paper along the bottom panes since my canine is a short breed. I could still see out but she could not reach.

Another way is using treats to help teach calm. Some experts say use a clicker to help reenforce the training while others say that just using words such as “yes” or “no” can work. It all depends on you and your furry friend. Once you use the clicker give the dog a treat. If they are jumping wait for them to put all paws on the ground then use the clicker. Let your dog know the clicker is a good thing and treats follow right afterwards.

For more tips and tricks, check out the SPCA’s article about stubborn dogs and training.