Go Fish!

Latin name: Zebrasoma flavescens. Other common name: Lau’i-pala. These fish are native to the Pacific Ocean and found in shallow waters, especially around Hawaii.

What you should think on before acquiring a fish!

Have you ever had a fish before? Are you familiar with it’s needs? Can you play with a fish?

Tank Size

The bigger the tank or aquarium is always better. Even though you might purchase just one fish, you may want to get another later so start with a good size tank. If you don’t plan to obtain more, the more space for your lone fish to swim is great too.

Location, Location, Location

Where are you going to place the tank is also important. Do not place it in direct light so not near a window or glass door, if you do make sure there are curtains. The reason for this is you don’t want the water to heat beyond your control, some fish in your tank certainly won’t be able to handle the heat. With that said, make sure that it isn’t near a heat source either.

Go Fish
(Getty Image)

Gravel and Plants

Did you know that some bacteria is good for fish and it likes to live in the gravel? That is a good thing to think on. Gravel also helps break down the fish waste and looks good at the bottom of the tank.

Plants are a good thing to add because fish like to play in them. It gives them a place to hide and feel safe. Real plants are good for nutrition but plastic will still work for hide-and-seek.

There are a lot of things to consider when you look for your first scaley friend, so it’s really good to do your own research. The Pet Express has a few pointers that might help.