Diggin’ Up A Hole, Dig It

bad dog making a hole in the garden

Why Does Your Pooch Dig?

There are many reason why a dog might start digging up your yard. They might be bored and looking for entertainment. Or possibly looking for something. Remember this though, they are not digging out of spite or revenge, they might just be diggin’ for fun!

Jack Russell Terrier digging a hole in front lawn of suburban home (Getty Image)

Diggin’ Up a Hole for Fun!

Your dog might be a bit bored and to expel additional energy building up, it might dig. Digging could be a form of “self play” and they will find that roots and plants may not move they way a toy does. This causes the dog to find it entertaining to try to get a root to get out of it’s way.

Diggin’s Up a Hole for Prey!

Another reason a dog digs is because it has a prey in it’s sight. Dogs like dachshunds and beagles were bred in the beginning to be hunters and still have those instincts ingrained in them. So if they spot a rabbit or another burrowing creature dive into a hole, their only thought now may be to give chase.

Black and tan Miniature Dachshund caught in mid air (Getty Image)

Diggin’ Up a Hole for Attention!

If you notice that your dog is digging but only when you are near then they might be doing it to get your attention. This can occur when they may not be getting enough time with you so attention, even a punishment can be attention, is what they want.

Diggin’ Up a Hole for Protection!

Is a very hot day when your dog is digging? Maybe they are trying to get to the cool dirt underneath to help cool down. Or they could dig to get out of the frigid wind. If the dog is an outdoor pet, then provide a good doghouse or a wading pool to sit in.

(Getty Image)

Diggin’ Up a Hole for Escape!

Lastly, is your dog a Houdini and like to make daring escapes? Check where the holes are, if they are around the fence border then they might be trying to escape and explore. If you are trying to deter your dog from digging, burying some chicken wire around the fence so they can’t get out.

The SPCA has a few tips on how you can help prevent your yard from becoming pitted and some recommendations to try and distract.