Myths & Truths

In honor of Reptile Awareness Day, let’s take a look at our favorite creepy crawlies. Here are a few myths about reptiles that may or may not be true.

Myth #1: OH NO! All snakes are poisonous!
Truth: Nope, not all snakes are venomous, only about 17-20% of known snakes have venom and some aren’t even toxic to humans. All snakes available in a reputable pet store are safe!
Myth #2: Snakes chase humans!
Truth: That is very much false. Snakes actually are going to run away from people! We, humans, seem like the predator to them and think they are snack. In actuality they are going to slither away as fast as their little tails will take them.

Myth #3: Reptiles are very inexpensive and easy pets to take care of!
Truth: Reptiles are not great pets for kids, now don’t let that discourage you if your child wants to own their very own turtle or bearded dragon. Just note that reptiles are actually going to require a lot more. They will also need specialized care, beware. Do lots of research to find if that little guy is the right fit for you and your family!
Myth #4: Reptiles need companionship.
Truth: Unlike dogs or cats who may thrive off having a buddy to play with while you are out and about, for reptiles they prefer solitude, at least most breeds. So don’t rush out and buy another snake just because your snake is not playing ball with you. More than likely that snake just loves to take naps.

Myth #5: All lizards eat flies!
Truth: Many lizards are actually vegetarian. There are a few species that eat greens with a few insects thrown in but you must do your research before purchasing. Some might even eat other lizards or fish! You must NOT force a carnivorous lizard to a vegetarian diet and not feed animals to a herbivore reptile.
There are many many myths out there about these cold-blooded creatures but you should not be afraid of them. Here are a few sites that explain through more myths. ReptiFiles
The BioDude
Melissa Kaplan’s Herp Care Collection