Should you consider declawing?

What is the claw?
To understand declawing, it’s best to figure out what the claw really is. The foot of a cat is unique, cats do not walk on the foot pad but on the toes. This is called digitigrade. The claw is an extention of the bone in the toe, it has a set of tendions and legiments that help the back and shoulder stretch. Balance and distribution of the cat’s weight along with exercising are some of the functions of the claw.
The Surgery
The surgery to remove this important piece of the cat is called Onychectomy. According to the American Veterinary Medical Association, the definiton of declawing is the surgical amputation of all or part of a cat’s third phalanges (toe bones) and
the attached claws. The National Library of Medicine has more details on the methods.

The complications after the procedure vary. There, of course, is pain but also confusion. The feline is now without it’s own defense mechanism and some people feel this is for the best due to the possibility of scratching. A characteristic of the cat may change such as their personality. Some cases have shown that the cat has become withdrawn and introverted compared to it’s earlier happy and friendly state. This decision is completely up to the owner and should discuss all probabilities with a trusted veterinarian. Look into the outcomes and consequences carefully.
To some owners, nail clipping each month is a hassle and prefer the pain of the cat fight. For more information on this route, the SPCA has more information.