Dealing With Aggressive Cats?
Sometimes cats are overly aggressive. Maybe your cat suddenly attacks or scratches you for no known reason? There might actually be a reason and an easy solution.
Some causes may be fear, play or excitement, they may not like being petted, or it could even be pain or sensitivity.

If the problem is fear, they are trying to defend themselves. This is the most common form of aggression, fear induced. Try to figure out what the fear is stemming from and try to help them feel more comfortable.
Now if the lashing out is during play time or done out of excitement, some cats have a hard time figuring out when too much has gone too far. Some felines don’t understand play time at all. So the best option may be to train the cat play time rules and behaviors.

Some cats hate being touched or petted. And they will let you know if that is the case. They will scratch to show where they don’t want to be touched such as the rear end. Cat owners and vets are not sure why this behavior is what it is but it’s best to use caution.
The last reason is pain or sensitivity. Now if you were in pain somewhere, you do not want someone else to poke and prod you, same with the cat. If that animal is in pain, it will show it does not want to be touched. This will also let it’s owner know that there is a problem if the cat it typically quite friendly.

These are good thoughts to keep in mind if your little furry friend starts acting out of character.
For more detailed information about cat aggression, especially towards humans, you can check out the SPCA.