Getting Your First Reptile?

Different reptiles have different needs but all have the same general needs. The first thing you should keep in mind is the enclosure it will need. Expect your pet to grow so plan accordingly, you don’t want to have to go out and spend more money on a new home for the little guy becomes a big guy. There are some specifically designed for reptiles but larger fish tanks can also work only as long as the top opening is firmly secured. You may also need to look into a UVB light (ultraviolet B) since those are used to help keep their skin healthy but double check with the species of reptile you are acquiring.
Diet is also another factor that you must consider. Will you need little crickets for your tiny friend or will you have to gather some mice for your very large friend? Keep in mind the water intake and how much the animal will need. Do they need vitamins such as Calcium or vitamin D? Do some extensive research before purchasing any animal?
Remember to keep their home clean, the reptile will need a good clean environment to thrive, just like you and me. Keep a good routine that you can follow, if you have to write it down and use a checklist or alarm on your phone to remind yourself of helpful tricks. These little creatures are susceptible to diseases and bacteria so make sure you are doing everything possible to keep them happy and healthy.
For more information, check out the article on Nationwide’s PetHealth Zone.