What To Know About Barking
So, you just brought home your new dog and life seems grand, but for some reason your dog just won’t stop barking. Barking at every little thing, either inside or out. Instead of getting frustrated, trust me from experience it will be vexing, try to figure out why this dog is barking.

Are they scared?
Are they agitated?
Are they used to many people?
Are they a puppy and just don’t know better?
Barking is their way of talking and it’s okay for a little volume. Let them speak but make sure you listen to what your pooch is trying to say. A little talking is fine but long excessive lectures at high volume is not good.
These all can be corrected or curbed, don’t worry. For attention-seeking, they may just want to play but you just stand firm and ignore that type of behavior. As for loneliness and boredom, do they have enough toys to play with? Are you giving them enough attention when you are near them? They may need help relieving that emptiness.
Now for territorial or protective behavior, are they constantly barking when guests are over or when someone walks by your home? Some breeds are just barkers, that’s what they do but don’t let that hinder your chances of a teaching moment. Make sure you have taught your dog a solid “SIT” command and reinforce that command to make sure they understand.

Are there any fears your dog might have, such as loud noises? Some dogs are sensitive to noise like construction or firecrackers. Recognize what the cause of this little one’s fear is and help desensitize them to it but this might require professional help so check with your vet if you feel it is necessary.
Separation Anxiety
Finally, for separation anxiety, this one is the problem my dog deals with. She follows me around the house from room to room and only uses my lap as her sitting arrangement. She doesn’t like being too far from me. If your dog shares some similarities to mine or is left at home for many hours, you may want to seek advice from a veterinarian. Talk to your vet about desensitizing your dog or possibly getting some anti-anxiety medication. Since my little one was a rescue, it took her a long time with some coaxing and many treats to understand I am with her to the very end. She has become my biggest joy.
For more information, please visit the SPCA.