Why is your cat avoiding the litter box and what can you do about it?

Is your cat looking at the litter box and running away? Or is your feline friend going to the bathroom outside the litter box? Here are a few things to consider that might help you figure out what’s causing these litter box mishaps.
First, is the box too small? Some cats are simply too big for traditional boxes, so you might want to order a larger size or even make one out of an old plastic tote.

Next, is the litter box clean? Would you use a bathroom if the toilet wasn’t working? Probably not, and the same goes for a cat, they prefer cleanliness too. Make sure you’re scooping the litter box daily and replacing the litter every other week or so to avoid litter box mishaps.
Another major factor is whether there’s been a recent change in the house. Cats aren’t always good with change, such as the addition of a new pet or a new person (or if someone has left). Try to maintain regularity for your cat. If it’s a new dog, keep the litter box in a place that’s hard for the dog to access. If it’s a new cat, consider putting out a second litter box to keep the peace.
Here is a great article about the litter box behaviors for cats from the SPCA. Check out this article about sizes for litter boxes for your furry friend.