Are You Expecting A Baby But Your Dog Is Used To Being The Center Of Attention?
There are a few things you need to think about before that new baby arrives and prepare for. One of the most common issues that comes up is the dog may become disgruntled when it notices that it’s human isn’t showing the same attention as before.

A mistake some dog parents do it make a big deal about the dog when the baby is down for a nap. This makes the dog think that all is well then is forgotten about when the child is up.
Instead, help the dog understand that the new baby is “good for the pack”. Try this, one parent sit with the dog without any distractions or toys and just ignore the dog. This will be hard as the dog will try to demand attention with possible barking or whining.
After a few minutes, the other parent should enter the room with the baby and stay for a minute or two. During this time the dog should get lots of attention. But once that minute or two is up, the parent with the child should leave the room. The first parent will again ignore the dog. After repeating this exercise several times a day, this will help train the dog that the baby is a good thing.

Another recommendation is to give the dog a treat, such as a favorite bone. But only when the baby is in the room, then taken away when the baby leaves.
The baby should be present when the dog is about to eat, come in from outside, or even given a treat. This will inform the dog “babies are good and wonderful!!”

For more information about helping your dog adjust to the baby and your attention, check out this article from the SPCA.